The Process


Your requirements

After understanding your organisation, the role, timescales, candidate profile and receiving your job spec, we’ll be ready to go to work.

Candidate Sourcing

Souring starts right away by using a combination of recruitment tools including social media, job advertising platforms, networking, headhunting and our own database.

Candidate Qualification

All candidates are interviewed by Roundtable and qualified to your candidate profile and job spec requirements.


Unsuitable candidates removed from the process


Soon after the process has started, CV’s of the shortlisted candidates will be emailed over to you detailing background notes from the candidate qualifications, salary expectations, notice periods etc…


After selecting the candidates you’d like to take through your interview process, Roundtable will arrange the interview slots for you.


Well done! You’ve found your new member of the team. Send the successful candidate an official offer and agree on a date to start employment.


Roundtable will only invoice on the day the successful applicant starts employment with you.

That’s not all

What if things don’t work out? If your new employee should leave your organisation within 12 weeks of starting, you’ll be entitled to a refund, worked out on a sliding scale covering the 12 week period (Maximum refund @ 75%).